For those that know me, you know I hate the cold. It just sinks into my bones and makes me miserable. I know most people (it seems that way), would rather live with cool weather, love the rain or that crisp breeze hitting their skin when they head out the door in the morning. Well, that's definitely not for me.
I absolutely love the feeling of the sun shining through my window warming up my arm as I drive in my car. I love the sunshine when I wake up and I even more so when I come home in the evening after a long night at dance, karate, the store or wherever I've been all day. It just motivates me to do more after I get home. It makes me happy.
Spring is kind of right in between. It's too rainy for one. It's too crisp in the morning for me but warm enough during the day, most of the time, not like this past week! I do enjoy the season change while decorating in my booth, that's for sure. Don't get me wrong.....I totally love CHRISTmas. It's just the weather I can't stand so that's why I LIKE Spring. I don't LOVE it, but I do LIKE it. Summer on the other hand, is my favorite season of all.
I know, I's too hot here in Southern California. I'm not saying I don't use my air conditioner like mad at home and in my car or that I don't get crabby when my shirt is sticking to my back. But, I have a funny saying that sums it up for me...."I'd rather be in a Pinto with vinyl seats and no air conditioner in the summer than be cold in the winter." Call me crazy but that's me. (Of course, that doesn't include my kids all sweaty and cranky in their car seats....just me, driving around. Ha-ha!)
So what's my point - you might be wondering by now? There are some changes for me in the near future, right about the time summer (my favorite season) begins. I will be moving into my own space at the antique mall beginning in June. A front window spot even!
I am very excited and looking forward to the change!