Friday, April 9, 2010

How Blessed Am I?

Tonight my 9 year old daughter, Macy, is testing for her BLACK BELT!  We are so very proud of her to say the least!  My 5 year old daughter, Grace, is also testing tonight.  She will be getting her recommended PURPLE belt!  How awesome is that?! 

I just love how my girls are such "Girlie Girls" and also love the go out and play in the dirt.  Macy would be the one sporting the light-saber and reading Star Wars books after coreographing a new dance to her latest favorite Taylor Swift song.  Grace would wear a skirt and princess crown every single day if I let her while she's digging up worms and accidently pulling the legs off of lady bugs.  Jack on the other hand, can make a tool or weapon out of just about anything, watch out when he gets his hands his little plastic baseball bat!  But what a sweet, little sensitive boy he is...just like his Daddy.

How blessed am I?


  1. Missy amor, your lil girls are such the best type of girlie girls :) and your lil man, he sounds so dreamy...can I have him :) I have 2 daughters 19 and soon to be 14, I so miss lil ones :) Have a beautiful weekend! Besos, Rose

    ps...I hope you get out there and play in the mud too :)

  2. Hi Missy, so nice to meet you! Glad you found yuor way over! I just joined your other blog too, so now you have to get movin!!! ha ha. I know it will be great. You sound like you have plenty to keep you busy! I really enjoyed your photos of your booth redo. Glad to find you!
    hugs and blessings,

  3. Rosa,

    You are such a sweetheart. Thanks for your comments...always so kind. Your girls are similarly apart in age as mine. I'm not looking forward to those teenage years, ha-ha! And yes, my boy is just dreamy, such a sweetie! We were actually all outside yesterday afternoon. While gardening with Dad, they "rescued" a hug family of rolly-pollies and made a new home for them. Jack was throwing his soccer ball all over the yard while I was sanding furniture. What a day!

  4. Hi Debra - So nice to meet you! Thanks for joining both blogs. You're right, I really need to get moving on Chateau Chic Boutique. I'm trying to work out a different space on my own at the antique mall I'm in so I can really focus on the look I'm going for. I'll be posting some before and afters of some things I'm working on as well as the window display we currently have. Stay tuned...
    I do look forward to regularly visiting your devotionals also.
